Monday, 28 January 2013

Anti-Drone protest goes to Court:


On October 30 last year some 100 people gathered at the US Air Force Base at Beale, California, to protest against the use of Drone aircraft by the US military for bombing by remote control of civilian housing and targetting individuals for assassination in several countries; Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia contrary to international law and the UN conventions on Human Rights.

Rev Sharon Delgado, a United Methodist Minister and a leading peace activist against Drone state terrorism, reports on the demonstration which led to arrests and a Federal Court appearance on Januray 8 last in the California State Capital, Sacramento;

"On October 30 I joined about 100 people for a demonstration at Beale Air Force Base calling for an end to drone warfare.  Beale is home to the Global Hawk Drone, a surveillance drone that is used to determine drone targets.  After stopping traffic onto the base for four hours, nine of us were arrested for trespassing onto federal property.

I took this action because I am convinced that the use of drones for targeted assassinations is immoral and illegal and that their use threatens us all.  Now is the time to stop the new drone arms race in its tracks.  This act of nonviolent direct action at Beale was my way of witnessing to my hope that “another world is possible,” a world based not on domination and violence, but on peace, justice, and environmental healing. My “no” of resistance is based on a “yes” of faith.

The U.S. use of drones for extra-judicial killings is immoral and illegal under international law.  It assumes that the whole world is a battleground and that the United States has the right to inflict capital punishment without trial on whomever it has put on its “kill list.”
Targeted assassinations by drones is not a clean as many people seem to think.  Many innocent people have been killed, including children.  In Pakistan, whole communities are paralyzed with fear because of ongoing drone attacks.  “Secondary kills,” that is, drone strikes on rescue workers, if eyewitness reports are true, would constitute war crimes.

There are other complications to drone warfare.  Drones are sold on the open market.  Weapon manufacturers, whose sole purpose is profit, have no loyalty to any country but only to their bottom line.  Over fifty countries now have drones.  Most are currently used for surveillance, and in fact, many law enforcement departments in U.S. cities are purchasing drones for that purpose.  But drones can be equipped with weapons, and many countries already have weaponized drones.  With the United States setting the standard and leading the way, we are in danger of a drone arms race without an international legal framework for their use.

The public must become aware of the dangers of this deadly program.  We must rise up in resistance and demand that the United States propose, sign, and ratify an international treaty on drones.  Clearly, this is a tall order, especially given that the United States has not even signed the  Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.  Such an outcome can only take place if there is widespread public awakening to the multiple dangers facing us as a species, and spiritual renewal motivating us to work together for global transformation.  This will entail a rising up of people willing to work for a peoples’ democracy rather than acquiescing to the current system of global corporate rule. Those of us who were arrested at Beale will stand trial, or rather, put drones on trial.  I’m grateful to have this opportunity to witness to my conviction that another world truly is possible".

The courtroom was filled with supporters on January 8 as  the nine people faced arraignment in U.S. District in Sacramento for trespassing onto federal property at Beale Air Force Base last October while protesting U.S. drone warfare; Rev Delgado reported;

"Charges were dropped against four of the defendants: Fr. Louie Vitale, MacGregor Eddy, Barry Binks, and Toby Blome. We don’t know why their charges were dropped, but it could have to do with the fact that they were arrested separately from the other group, at a different gate. The five of us who were arrested at the main gate are David and Jan Hartsough, Shirley Osgood, Janie Kesselman, and me.

The remaining five of us pled “not guilty.” Yes, of course we engaged in civil disobedience. There are videos showing that we blocked traffic, stepped across the line onto federal property, held signs, and refused to leave. We tried to deliver a list of demands to the base commander.

I chose to plead “not guilty” by reason of necessity; that is, I acted in order to prevent a greater harm from taking place. My co-defendants and I will be discussing defense strategy with our team of lawyers, who are working pro bono in order to help bring the issue of drone warfare into the public eye.

Our trial is scheduled for April 15, Tax Day. That is the perfect day for this trial. Beale is the home of Global Hawk Drones, which are used for surveillance and for targeting of weaponized drones. According to the New York Times, the Air Force’s Global Hawk program costs $12 billion; the estimated cost for one of these drones is $218 million. The Navy is on board with its own version of the program, for an estimated $11 billion. That’s where our money goes.

Thanks to everyone who is supporting our efforts to raise awareness about this issue. Please pass on information and action opportunities as they become available so we can turn the tide against global domination through violence and sow the seeds of world peace"

More details available here:

This worthy action by US Peace Activists shows that many decent Americans are opposed to the warmongering activities of their government and the Pentagon and the hi-jacking of US democracy by the military-industrial complex, which makes massive profits from wars and killing throughout the world while ignoring the 77% of the US population which has declared against the wars being pursued by their Government on all continents. We join with them in solidarity as we protest regularly here against the Irish Government's shameful policy of allowing the US Military unrestricted use of Shannon Airport for pursuit of its illegal wars. 

We also condemn unreservedly the recent statement at the Dáil Committee on Transport and Communications by Rose Hynes, newly appointed Chair of the Shannon Airport Authority in answer to a question on the US Military presence there that; "Military
traffic has been in the DNA of Shannon for many years. It’s something that’s important, it’s lucrative and we are certainly going to go after it as much as possible."
This disgraceful comment, worthy of the worst ratbag mercenaries engaged in combat for profit in many countries, shames the Irish people with their historic traditions of anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism and is a scandalous debasement of the role of  a public official paid by the Irish taxpayer. Hynes should be forced to resign forthwith since she is advocating making profits on the illegal activities of the US Military and doing it in the name of the Irish people whose democratic Constitution, Bunreacht na hÉireann, binds Ireland to respect for international law. It is remarkable, as a lawyer herself, that Hynes fails to understand this. However, an international passenger boycott of Shannon Airport which could feasibly be organised by the Irish Peace Movement and its allies through social media might make Ms Hynes think twice about her disgraceful mercenary outlook!

Aide Memoire  to Ms Hynes:

Bunreacht na hÉireann,
Article 29:

1.    Ireland affirms its devotion to the ideal of peace and friendly co-operation amongst nations founded on international justice and morality.
2.    Ireland affirms its adherence to the principle of the pacific settlement of international disputes by international arbitration or judicial determination.
3.    Ireland accepts the generally recognised principles of international law as its rule of conduct in its relations with other States.


 Áth Cliath/Dublin
Eanáir/January 29 2013

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Palestine victory at UN

                                (Cartoon: International Herald tribune)

Palestinian Victory at UN
irks Washington/Tel-Aviv

On November 29, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to grant Non-member Observer Status to the State of Palestine.

UN Member States number 193. Five didn’t vote. Of those that did, 138 said Yes, nine voted No, and 41 abstained.

As well as USA, Israel and Canada, countries voting No included the Czech Republic, Panama, and four small Pacific island states; Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru and Palau. These muppet states are all in hock to the USA financially or politically.

Countries which  abstained included Britain, Germany, Australia, Colombia, South Korea, Haiti (under US-installed puppet president Michel Martelly), Singapore, Rwanda (under US supported Paul Kagame), the Netherlands, Paraguay (under coup d’ etat installed puppet  president, Federico Franco), Poland, Hungary, and 29 others. In a split among EU countries who could not reach a unanimous agreement, Ireland, Italy, France and Spain voted in favour of the resolution much to the consternation of the US and Israeli delegations.

US Opposition

US President Obama strongly opposed upgrading Palestine’s status. He affords Israel one-sided support. No rights for Palestinians is official US policy. US Secretary of State,
Hillary Clinton indulged in bullying, bluster and imperialist arrogance. She blasted the UN vote. “Unfortunate and counterproductive,” she called it. In other words, any support for Palestine cannot be tolerated in the Imperialist World Order.

Palestine was eligible for full de jure UN membership many years ago. Palestine already is a state. The UN vote upgraded its status. The Western whore press misreported what happened. It was really about upgrading  the Palestine state to non-member observer status. The State of Palestine  already exists. It was proclaimed in Algiers on November 15, 1988. At the time, the PLO adopted the Palestinian Declaration of Independence. PLO legal advisor Francis Boyle drafted it. He called it “determinative, definitive, and irreversible.” It recognized the General Assembly’s 1947 Partition Plan in good faith. 

It also declared:
  • its commitment to the UN Charter’s purpose and principles;
  • the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), policy, and principles of nonalignment;
  • its natural right to defend the Palestinian state, while rejecting “the threat or use of force, violence and intimidation against its territorial integrity and political independence or those of any other state;”
  • its willingness to accept UN supervision on an interim basis to terminate Israel’s occupation;
  • its call for a Middle East International Peace Conference based on UN Resolutions 242 and 338;
  • its asking for Israel’s withdrawal from occupied Palestinian lands – since 1967, including East Jerusalem;
  • its willingness to accept a voluntary confederation between Jordan and Palestine;
  • its “rejection of terrorism in all forms, including state terrorism…;” and
  • its acceptance of UN Charter Article 51, the four 1949 Geneva Conventions, and the 1907 Hague Regulations on Land Warfare.
Palestine satisfies all essential criteria for sovereign independence and full de jure UN membership.

All UN Charter states  provisionally recognized Palestinian independence in accordance with UN Charter article 80(1) and League of Nations Covenant article 22(4). As the League’s lawful successor, the General Assembly has exclusive legal authority to designate the PLO Palestine’s legitimate representative.

The Palestine National Council (PNC) is the PLO’s legislative body. It’s empowered to proclaim the existence of Palestine. According to the binding 1925 (League of Nations British Mandate) Palestine Citizenship Order in Council, Palestinians, their children and grandchildren automatically become citizens. So do diaspora Palestinians. Those living in Israel and Jordan have dual nationalities. Occupied Territory residents remain “protected persons” (under the Fourth Geneva convention) until a final peace settlement is reached.

Boyle’s “CREATE THE STATE OF PALESTINE” Memorandum of Law described characteristics needed for world community recognition. They include:

A determinable (not necessarily fixed) territory. Its borders are negotiable. The new state is comprised of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Palestinians have lived there for millennia. They rightfully deserve universally recognized sovereignty.They have a fixed population. They are a legitimate state with a functioning government. It is peace loving. It accepts UN Charter provisions and can administer them. It is willing to do so.

In 1988, Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, declared the PLO Palestine’s Provisional Government. It has the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Palestine fully qualifies on all counts. It did so many years ago. Palestine’s Proclamation of Independence created the Government of Palestine (GOP). 

UN Membership

UN approval requires qualifying based on five conditions:

Applicants must be a state, peace loving, accept UN Charter’s provisions, be able to administer them, and be willing to do so. The Security Council only recommends new Member States. Petitioning the 1950 Uniting for Peace Resolution 377 for an up or down two-thirds vote overrides potential Security Council rejection.The General Assembly has sole admission authority. Thursday’s vote required a majority of voting Member States. Full de jure membership requires a two-thirds vote.

The affect of the November vote means that Palestine can join the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court (ICC).Israeli officials can be sued for crimes of war, against humanity and genocide. Illegal settlements, outposts, Gaza’s siege, the Separation Wall, and other illegal practices by the Israeli occupiers can be challenged.

Palestine can join the Statute for the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The State of Israel can be sued on the above charges and others.

Palestine can join the Law of the Sea Convention. Doing so establishes sovereignty over its territorial waters. They contain significant gas reserves.

Palestine can become a High Contracting Party to the Four Geneva Conventions. They deal with laws of war and accountability.

Palestine can join the International Civil Aviation Organization. Doing so affords control of its own airspace.

Palestine can join the International Telecommunications Union. With it comes sovereign control over its airwaves, phone lines, and bandwidth.

Palestine’s new status affords all of the above. 

This is what irks Washington and the Zionist Israeli illegal occupiers of Palestinian territory. They can now be held accountable by International Justice for their crimes against the Palestinian people.

 Washington shriek-owl's apoplexy: 

The sourest note in the debate was provided by US representative Susan Rice. The notorious undiplomatic "diplomat" spewed a vitriolic anti-Arab racist diatribe against the Palestinians and their supporters in the General Assembly. Tactless, imprudent and thoughtless, the Stanford Shriek-Owl of Imperialist Hegemony denied the Palestinians their national dignity which is the entitlement of all peoples under the UN Charter and declared that the US, as on all previous occasions, will support only "solutions" to the Middle East conflict which have been approved by Israel. Feigning support for "peace" Rice twists words to ensure that the "peace" referred to is nothing less than the diktat of Zionist Israel, the US's proxy warmonger in the Middle East and elsewhere.

"We will continue to oppose firmly any and all unilateral actions in international bodies or treaties that circumvent or prejudge the very outcomes that can only be negotiated, including Palestinian statehood. And, we will continue to stand up to every effort that seeks to delegitimize Israel or undermine its security. Progress toward a just and lasting two-state solution cannot be made by pressing a green voting button here in this hall. Nor does passing any resolution create a state where none indeed exists or change the reality on the ground. For this reason, today’s vote should not be misconstrued by any as constituting eligibility for U.N. membership. It does not. This resolution does not establish that Palestine is a state" Rice declared, dismissing the right of the Palestinians to self-determination as provided by the UN Charter.

Ricezilla was favoured by Mr Obama to replace Hypocrite Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in his new Cabinet but, mounting opposition against the choice across party lines in the US Congress seems to be favouring former Presidential candidate, John Kerry, to eventually get the job. Rice has acted as the perfect  front woman for no-holds-barred imperial ravaging. She’s ultra-hawkish, thuggish, and contemptuous of fundamental human rights. 

Murky dealings

Rice's participation in murky dealings in Africa is well documented. In 1993, she served on Bill Clinton’s National Security Council. She was his Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from October 1997 to January 2001. She supported Washington’s Imperialist war in Afghanistan. In February 2003, weeks before Iraq was attacked, she was asked about Colin Powell’s infamous UN WMD speech which claimed proof that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass-destruction. When it was too late to matter, he called it the “lowest point in his life.” At the time, Rice disagreed. She thought he “proved that Iraq had these weapons" and was, supposedly, hiding them, and she "didn’t think that many informed people doubted that.”

She was involved in  the proxy genocidal wars in  Democratic Republic of Congo. Washington  covertly supported Ugandan and Rwandan forces invading the resources rich Eastern provinces of the Congo. Eastern Congo, the most distant area from the Capital, Kinshasa, and long subject to revolts and rebellions since independence in 1960, was ravaged. Millions of innocent Congolese citizens died in these proxy wars. It’s happening again right now by a rebel force led by ex-Rwandan military. At stake are vast mineral resources. They’re largely untapped. They include oil, gold, diamonds, copper, uranium, cobalt, and tantalum. This is a rare earth essential for manufacturing high-tech electronics. Nuclear power producers also need it.

Rice has close ties to Rwanda’s US supported leader Paul Kagame. Washington trained him at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. She’s also connected to Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni.  African expert Keith Harmon Snow believes the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is “a tool of the Museveni government used to manipulate public opinion, create chaos across the region, gain international sympathy from foreign donors, and serve as a  ruse to facilitate permanent foreign military intervention.” In 2001, the State Department named it a terrorist organization. Since 2008, it’s been called a Specially Designated Global Terrorist group. Washington regularly uses Al Qaeda jihadists and various other groups as allies and enemies.

After the US invasion destroyed Iraq, she supported long-term occupation. She wants no quick pullout of US troops from Afghanistan. She endorsed Imperialist war on Libya last year. She falsified claims about Gaddafi forces committing mass rapes. She ignored US/NATO sponsored killer gang atrocities in the conflict. Rice is an unashamed apologist for war crimes committed by the USA and its allies both official and unofficial.

Rice's conflicts of interest

Several newspapers in the USA have raised questions of Rice's major unexplained conflicts of interest. Rich-bitch par-excellence, according to her 2011 financial disclosures she and her husband own “at least $1.25 million worth of stock in four of Canada’s eight leading oil producers.” These include Enbridge, the oil company extracting the highly toxic tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada's, boreal forest, which are being destroyed to access the oil. Also according to her 2011 financial disclosures she has up to $600,000 equity in TransCanada Corp. It’s building the environmentally destructive Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline would cross the Canadian border at North Dakota and proceed through the Midwest on its way to Houston, Texas area oil refineries. The pipeline would cross over the main source of water for the Midwest, the Ogallala Aquifer. The oil would be shipped to China from Houston to fuel that country's expanding energy needs. The pipeline has yet to be approved by the US Senate. 

Rice also has holdings between $5.0 to $11.25 million dollars in the Royal Bank of Canada and lesser Canadian financial institutions funding the tar sands - Keystone XL pipeline enterprises. Her father owned a British Columbia lumber company. Her husband is a former television producer. In 2009, their net worth was estimated at between $23.5 and $43.5 million. These corporate connections are seen by many in the US political sphere as a conflict of interest too big to ignore if Rice had been nominated as next Secretary of State.

In the event, Mr Obama has backed off nominating Rice, choosing Kerry instead; nevertheless, Rice, therefore, remains as a divisive, toxic presence at the United Nations.

Palestinian President Abbas and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon after the vote in the General Assembly