Tuesday, 8 October 2013

New President of IPB


Distinguished German lawyer and Executive Director of IALANA, International
Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Armaments, was elected President
of the International Peace Bureau at its recent meeting in Stockholm, Sweden.

On 12.09.2013 the CEO of IALANA, Reiner Braun (Germany) at the General Assembly of the International Peace Bureau (IPB ) in Stockholm, was elected President. As co-president, the former UNESCO Assistant, Ingeborg Breines was re-elected .

The IPB is the oldest international peace organization . It was awarded the 1910 Nobel Peace Prize , and now has more than 300 member organizations.

The IPB is committed to the vision of a world without war and nuclear weapons and associated works extensively today in the international campaign " Disarmament for Development ", a comprehensive disarmament will be achieved through the  1.7 trillion dollars wasted by NATO on armaments every year in the face of tens of thousands of children dying of hunger, poverty, never accepting a scandal of this magnitude.

In his introductory speech, the new president of IPB, Reiner Braun declared:
"Disarmament and the prevention of further imperial wars are the challenges to international peace movements he emphasised . Other greater and coordinated  international efforts are needed to achieve the great goal of Albert Einstein: " a world without war”.

Reiner Braun's interview with "Democracy Now" at the Chicago Counter-NATO
Summit, May, 2012: