"The French people are dissed, duped, and betrayed,
and the lies are ever more gross and the promises are ever more mad."
Ronald Zonca
In Boulevard Voltaire, December 5, 2015
Civil lack of security just got added to the failures of our succession of chiefs, revealing the failure of the political elites in the governing of France
Our pols have gotten to be carnival barkers to the voters, buying votes with promises and lying to them without shame to create -- or to keep up -- illusions.
The French people are dissed, duped, and betrayed, dissed, and the lies are ever more gross and the promises are ever more insane.
Over 40 years, the usage has been to make believe that we
are still in the "the Glorious Thirty" [years of economic good times,
'45-75 ], that it's all going to get better and better thanks to globalization, that
we can go into debt because growth is for sure, or almost for sure. The
public deficit has become golden rule. With such management, the French will
not pass on a common heritage to their children but interest payable to
international private banks.
Another illusion: Europe means Peace. Like yesterday in
Yugoslavia, like in Ukraine today, like in France, tomorrow. The goddess Europa
is starving for tearing apart sovereign states, the better to seat it own power
and to favor American hegemony. Weakening a state leads irredeemably to
ethno-sociocentrism, to the exacerbation of differences, to civil war, to the
eradication of a nation.
Brussels, the marketplace for mondialism, spurred by the
lobbies, is an illusion of democracy. One has but to compare the power of the
the European Commision, the European Parliament, and European Council to
realize that it is the non-elected who steer the syndicate of
interests. Europe is no institution in the service of inter-state
relations, but an enterprise of fragmentation to serve private economic
interests: the truth stops at the door of the private interests defended
by our very dear Commissioners, non-elected technocrats.
At rare moments, our pols find themselves in the same situation as the morning-after drunk. They've got a petrified throat, they worry and wonder about whatever they did the night before, and seek out excuses, or lies, to justify their behavior, and check their wallet after the bender.
At rare moments, our pols find themselves in the same situation as the morning-after drunk. They've got a petrified throat, they worry and wonder about whatever they did the night before, and seek out excuses, or lies, to justify their behavior, and check their wallet after the bender.
They face the choice of every drunk: whether to get back to
the bottle to forget the mistakes of the night before, or to take into account
the realities of the day.
But the superiority complex of our chiefs is a mismatch with
the good sense of the people. France, in its search for the verity will end up
making a tabula rasa of these plotters who privilege private interests to the
detriment of national unity and the common good. After years of degeneration,
we are approaching a new dawn for our country.
"What do they call it, when the day brightens like today, and that everything is trashed and ruined, yet there is air to breathe, though one has lost everything, the innocent murder each other, but the guilty are breathing their last, in a nook of the day that rises?"
"It has a beautiful name, Narsès. They call it the dawn.
"What do they call it, when the day brightens like today, and that everything is trashed and ruined, yet there is air to breathe, though one has lost everything, the innocent murder each other, but the guilty are breathing their last, in a nook of the day that rises?"
"It has a beautiful name, Narsès. They call it the dawn.
from Jean Giraudoux's Electra
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